Products info & Disclaimers

The information, methodologies, data, opinions, analyses, displays, documents, reports contained or reflected herein (“Contents”) are proprietary to RAM Holdings Berhad and its affiliates (collectively or individually referred to as “RAM”) and may not be modified, reverse engineered, copied, reproduced, distributed or used in any form, without the prior written permission of RAM. These are provided strictly for information purposes and do not constitute any offer, recommendation, solicitation or advice to buy or sell any investment product, securities or instrument, or to select a project or enter into business transactions. The Contents are not a substitute for the skill, judgement and experience of the user and nothing herein constitutes accounting, legal, regulatory, tax, financial or other advice by RAM.

The Contents are based on information that is subject to continuous change, obtained from the public domain and/or made available by third parties. Any opinions, projections and other forward-looking statements regarding future events or performance of, including but not limited to, countries, markets or companies are not necessarily indicative of, and may differ from actual events or results. The views expressed reflect RAM’s opinion of prevailing conditions or circumstances and are therefore subject to change. RAM reserves the right to add, update, remove, withdraw, amend, or revise, as it deems fit, any Contents and assumes no obligation to update at regular intervals the Contents following publication in any form or format.

Although every reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy, completeness and objectivity of the Contents, RAM makes no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, as to its accuracy, completeness and objectivity. RAM accepts no responsibility or liability relating to any losses or damages howsoever suffered by any person in connection with any use of or reliance on the Contents.

Products and services offered herein may be further governed by terms specific to them.