About R1ESGo™

R1ESGo™ is a benchmark for industry and entity environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks.

R1ESGo™ ratings are a risk-focused evaluation of the relevance and impact of an array of ESG factors in economic activities. This evaluation is based on global ESG standards and calibrated by RAM’s insights on the domestic market.

  • Ratings are expressed on a numerical scale of 1 (lowest risk) to 15 (highest risk)
  • Sector classifications are guided by widely used industry codes
  • Ratings are updated annually or as events demand
Need an ESG report?

A R1ESGO™ rating report provides coverage on a company’s ESG practices and the extent of sustainability issues that may affect the firm, leading to material business and/or financial impact.

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Start Your R1ESGo™ Journey

Enhance your ESG decisions with R1ESGo™ ratings, a risk-focused measure of ESG vulnerabilities for sectors and firms.

R1ESGo™ ratings can be used for investment decisions, portfolio benchmarking, self or counterparty evaluations and more! For more details, contact us today.